Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Studying typography and the art of type design is fundamentally important for those who study graphic design. If designers did not take the time to understand all of the unique aspects of a typeface, we would be surrounded by terrible design and probably many fewer choices in terms of fonts. We need to know when it is appropriate to use different fonts, what settings and themes work well with different ones, and above all else, what is legible to our viewers. If we wanted to do work only for ourselves and keep all our designs holed away where no one would ever see them or appreciate them, then sure, go ahead and ignore typography. But that is not the goal of graphic design.

For me studying where the foundations of type originated from is one of the most important elements of graphic design. If we don't understand where we come from then how will we know where we've been. I believe design is an evolutionary industry. We have to look back in time to see what's been done, what is effective and most importantly, what is legible. Where would we be if no one ever thought that one day we would work almost entirely digitally? If we had ignored the opportunity for creativity and design on computers; the world would be a very bland place. Fortunately, designers have recognized the importance and impact typography has on design and its visual appeal. I believe that if typography was not something designers needed to learn and understand, then I would not be sitting in this class, immersed in the beauty of type.

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